Proyecto para la ampliación de vivienda unifamiliar.
Madrid, 2010 - ...

Course statement, Teaching Unit Mansilla + Tuñón
Design Studio, E.T.S.A.M., 2011-2012.


We are in the intermediate stages of the project, linking realities, between the original data and the specifics our project must finally provide, a territory in which disciplinary documents are less useful. By abstract model we refer to any physical product of architectonic thought, subject or not to architectural conventions, which is produced for instrumental purposes in the design process. It is a materialization, a momentary crystallization of a state of affairs.

If reality is continuous, the cut discretizes.
The model can be understood as a three-dimensional map. If a map is a section of reality unmistakably defined by one or more parameters, the three-dimensional map corresponds to the volumetric materialization of this landscape of data. The model is, therefore, a re-description of reality, a vision of it through one or various variables whose objective nature will be key for the descriptive capacity of the three-dimensional document. As a model of reality, it may be said that this re-description is, on some selected aspects, equivalent to the reality it replaces. However, the following questions need to be raised:
• If the X and Y axes form a geographic projection plane in which a third abstract dimension is introduced on the Z axis (e.g. density, compactness...), are we before an abstract model?
• If one of the three axes is a time axis and the other two are abstract, can it be called an abstract model?
In any case, all models with a strong objective component can be understood as objects built as sculpted data. And the crossing of data families (heterogeneous sections of reality) may lead to unexpected ones.

In the perceptive scope, all figurative reality may undergo a process of abstraction by following objective criteria like that of a linear mathematical transformation. Thus, the abstraction resulting from a loss of definition, of granularity, of detail, of resolution, of focus... -in short- of information, can be understood as direct abstraction. This sort of reduction transforms object A into object A' by means of a defined function without any intermediate steps. The object is replaced by its qualities and/or quantities, its rhythms, the distribution of space over time... without abandoning the sphere of the physical. In the case of the model, the reality that is represented losses its figurative condition to become an abstract description of that same reality, while always remaining physical.

There is yet another type of abstraction which is not based on a reduction of original forms, on the synthesis of the object, nor on the substitution of a materiality by its less textured equivalent. In this sort of abstraction that we call induced, the transposition of object A perceived as a new materiality that we call A' suffers a sort of intermediate blackout. It is no longer a transformation whose laws are obvious but rather a mutation where the logical thread has made an unjustified leap from an objective reality to an abstract one. In this process, the spectator faces an incomplete and unknown step that he must solve. Thus, the result of this perceptive discontinuity is replaced with a mental image B.  
The product, that mental image B, is not perceived but felt. It becomes latent, and that heartbeat B is equivalent to the direct perception of A', the model that triggers a mental image in the viewer. The experience of B is induced by its material equivalent A’. And, in the best case scenario, this type of abstraction does not result in a loss of definition nor of information as occurs with direct abstraction.

There is a space for thought linking realities before and after transformation; between the initial complexity that any project encounters (before intervention), and the resulting complexity (after action has been taken). If any work of architecture can be expressed in terms of the relationship between elements, the design process can be understood as the conversion into another configuration of relationships. During this transition, bonds are broken, temporarily leaving both ideas and things adjourned. In this transition, only the essential links remain active so that a minimum of continuity with the pre-existing is guaranteed. Contrarily, complete independence between stages would denote a entirely new reality as opposed to a transformed one. This passage is a phase of minimum information, maximum simplicity and minimum structure definition. Whatever is not law is left suspended.

The materialization of this state of affairs can entail a mute and tenacious object, even enigmatic, eager of meaning. This open-ended object, double-funneled, contains a few shared threads that remain tauten in an momentary equilibrium, an eclipse between past and future states of increased dispersion and homogeneity. For J. Beuys, the materialization of these threads is the artifice that, hook line and sinker, allows anchoring what is volatile, making actual what is intangible.